Thursday, November 18, 2021

Another day, another chromosome

 Working on chromosome 16 today and I think I will go back to basics on this one as well. Not for any particular reason other than an unexpected full match when only a half match is expected on a short length between two siblings. I knew that was there but it actually worked with the matches so decided that I would leave it for later way back when I started all of this. But now I am using the 23 and Me results for four siblings and working in the fifth result from FT DNA. That does make a difference and I need to do that with every one from now on likely as I have pretty much done anyway from Chromosome 23 on down! I just didn't particularly comment on it. The interesting part is that no match has changed hands and the chart looks pretty much as it di with a few small tweaks here and there when needed. 

This idea of phasing grandparents is an interesting one for sure. Listening to Linda Reid's talk I was thinking that I will likely be failing my lines because I am only interested in working backwards but in the future there isn't anything to prevent the first cousins from working on DNA or the second cousins which now number ten with more to come likely. That is a big group of people although the range in age is enormous from just under one year of age all the way up to 26 years of age but in my family of siblings the age range is now 66 to 83 so 17 years there and 25 in the second cousins. The first cousins are now ranged from 58 to 33 giving a similar range at the moment but the range between second cousins will eventually be larger. Then there will be the third cousins much into the future although there are likely great grandchildren for my oldest sibling in the nearer future. 

This is also cleaning day. I did not have the energy to scrub the kitchen floor after knowing there was a meeting coming last evening just late in the day. But fortunately I had vacuumed and done a little washing up here and there. I find it easier to do when the dogs are at daycare and everyone is out of the house. Then I am not inconveniencing anyone. I was sound asleep at nine so never heard a thing actually. I am doing well here getting mostly 7 to 8 hours (and closer to 8 most nights) of sleep each night.  I have gone to bed mostly by nine every night since my eldest daughter was quite small. When I was ten our family doctor said that I should always walk a mile a day because I skipped a beat when he listened to my heart beat. I had no idea what he was talking about at that time but I did do that. Eventually I ran a mile a day in my teen years on; I decided if walking was good running must be even better. Now I run fourty minutes most days except cleaning day. I get an excellent workout without running that day although still walk for 45 minutes.

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