Sunday, November 14, 2021

Another Sunday Church service on You-Tube

 Remembrance Day Service on You-Tube today and I shall be able to attend but I was a bit late but fortunately I can watch the first 30 minutes later. The addition of online services has been a plus from all of COVID being in our lives. Slowly we move upwards to having 90% of the eligible people vaccinated here in Canada and when the children 5 to 11 are vaccinated then we would move to nearly 95% perhaps. I still think there will be outbreaks but they will be much easier to manage. Since I grew up when smallpox was still endemic in some countries around the world this need for vaccination is very reasonable to me. Growing up in London with polio epidemics the gift of the Polio Vaccine was wondrous and saved many lives and crippling. I went to school with a girl who had a withered leg from polio. I fail to understand why people would protest really but then I do not read fanciful books. The idea that an electronic chip is being implanted in us is perhaps the most ludicrous thing I have heard in decades. But then I do support the idea that our DNA could be on a chip that would be inserted at birth. Granted I do see the drawbacks to such an idea but I also see the plus side and it is much larger. So much information could be within us to aid in our medical care and make life easier in terms of making purchases. Just a movement of the arm over a terminal and the purchase is completed or a driver's license is renewed or our hospital/doctor records are revealed in an instant. The possibility of abuse can be seen but the assets of such a forward movement would quickly show themselves. Protection from abuse (one would need a code to release the information from the chip and that code would be sent to us on our phone or some such thing) would move with the new asset just as it does with so many assets. 

It is sad to hear that Queen Elizabeth is having difficulties. I remember when her father King George VI passed away. It was not really expected; that was one of the biggest secrets. That he was not a strong well person was known but that he was close to death was not known. He was mourned here in Canada and around the world. I think given that he had an impediment of speech he gave those who are so afflicted an upward motion in ability as they watched him struggle so publicly. I think the Queen is much healthier than he was.

I will continue working on the rephasing of my grandparents DNA today. I think I will rework Chromosome 19 completely from scratch to see if I can work out the glitches in that particular length of chromosome comparison. It works very well in some areas but two areas are in conflict.

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