Saturday, November 27, 2021

At the cottage

 Weekend at the cottage again and it is so relaxing. Seeing the fog on the lake first thing in the morning and listening and watching the blue jays flitting about from tree to tree. Walking in the woods is very refreshing and the dogs are also loving the cooler weather. Slight  dusting of snow completes the picture.

A few games of Sudoku to play and still doing the hard ones - about twenty left to do and then on to the medium ones and then the easy. My grandfather always used to say do the most difficult problem first in life and then the others will be easier. I used that axiom a lot in my life to be sure. Others do the easiest first and then have lots of time for the difficult ones. All in how you are comfortable doing the work that needs to be done. 

Rainy season has arrived so just waiting for the thermometer to dip and bring us snowy winter! We are luckier with our rainy season actually to have snow I think. 

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