Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Discussion written for the Pincombe Newsletter

 Wrote the discussion on John Pincomb who married Grace Manning in 1725 at Bishops Nympton with the view of a winter wonderland outside my window. Love the snow; going south is fun in mid-winter just for a break but overall I love living in a country which is covered with snow half of the year. It is so refreshing to look out on the fresh white snow and since my window faces the backyard I can see that white fresh snow most of the winter as it slowly climbs up the fence around the yard. Usually a metre standing (or more) by the end of the winter. 

I will take a break for a bit from writing and work on finishing Chromosome 13 and then on to Chromosome 12. I am nearing the half-way point in the chromosomes with the longest ones ahead of me for sure but also I have more long matches as I work my way backwards. Perhaps one of these days my 2nd cousins Buller will test where I can see their results and I will have more support for any theories that I develop from results of people that I do not know but have family information in their records making it easier for me to place them in family lines. Having five siblings tested though does make a big difference especially the four of us who tested at 23 and Me. 

The last day of November and I have completed all of my Microsoft Solitaire card games once again I have a complete set of games from 2012 to the present. I do love playing Microsoft Solitaire first thing in the morning I can feel it waking up my brain cells. Exercise for the brain before it begins the day's work.

Today I shall spend a little time thinking about the Autism and Behaviour courses at Algonquin College. They are a practical look at how to work with children using the ABA methodology. This has worked so well with my grandson but now that he is seven we need to ensure that we are following the method 24/7 which my daughter and her husband are doing but I am mixed in now so must also ensure that I too am following the approved methodology as well and that I understand what I am doing so that I can be of more support to them. We made books the other day and I think that that is something that I am skilled at so can help him to work with that. I found two sticker books on subjects that he likes so would like to work with him making story books with those stickers. The other day was the beginning of that process. 

Other than that my schedule of running for 40 minutes, then out with the dogs for a 40 to 45 minute walk around the yard with lots of trees to occupy me and picking up after the dogs as well. Then in the afternoon my calisthenics and I need to work in my weight lifting as that doesn't get done these days very often. In the evening a walk around the basement while talking to my other daughter for our daily one hour chat. The day does pass quickly and I can generally manage 16000 to 20000 steps per day.

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