Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Grandson up early

My youngest grandson was up early even for me. He popped out of bed around 5:45. Likely the time change is affecting him and life will settle down for him soon. He is busy eating his breakfast now and will likely play on his Ipad for awhile. He also woke up his older brother who is also busy eating his breakfast now. I had a mini breakfast as I usually cook my oatmeal after they are off to school. 

Another busy day planned as I must get ready to go to my house today for the regular three days there with the youngest grandson. I only go when his mother is taking him otherwise I stay here with her and help out with my oldest grandson although these days he is getting older and doesn't really need any help. Just company if his mother is called in in an emergency. Life is always busy. 

I have already played my microsoft solitaire games and going to do some research now that can be easily set aside as I expect I will be running in and out to the kitchen to see how the boys are doing. Packing to do as well and getting ready to go in the late afternoon.  

The Romance of the Charley Family book is all blogged now and I am happy to see it out there for more people to use. It is an interesting family but I know that I will never pursue that family line to any degree. I am satisfied thus far with the trace back. It was interesting that my mother did remember the names of her 3x great grandparents in particular Mary Charly. She also remembered Elizabeth Rowcliffe, Elizabeth Rew and Grace Gray all the wives of the Pincombe grandfathers, etc. She also mentioned Grace Manning her 4x great grandmother married to John Pincombe. That family, like my Blake family, remembered their male line very well. In the case of my Blake line, my grandfather also knew his mother's line very well going back from Maria Jane Knight to her mother Louisa Butt (born at Spetisbury and that also got remembered surprisingly but it is a different sort of name) and to her mother Eleanor Knight married to Ellis Knight and their baker's dozen children and that they were cousins. Some things got remembered so well. 

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