Monday, November 1, 2021

Hallowe'en is done; All Saints Day is finally here

Out with the children trick and treating (just the children of course went to the door) but I had on my elephant costume. Bought it a few years ago and it is a hit with them and it is also warm which is a plus for these middle-aged arthritic bones. A recent publication by CARP told me that one isn't old until one is over 70 now and I do not yet feel old now (but likely that will happen one of these days) although in the spring I did feel very old. The exhaustion of caring for my husband in those last four months took its toll at the time but I am back to running 40 minutes a day; doing my yoga/calisthenics and weightlifting as well as walking more than 16000 steps most days. Perhaps the secret of entering into old age is to be well exercised; no idea on that leave such things to the professionals. I just live my life as best as I am able. The doctor shortage exists up here as well so I try to be as careful as I can be all the time. I had one fall yesterday on a slippery mat so I eliminated that mat around me. I got rid of them at my house a few years ago as Edward began to show signs of being a fall risk. I was always on the same floor of the house as he was and alert to his every movement; the stress of all that watching is now gone. I do not feel any younger just less stressed. 

I will miss the children when I am back home once again but I feel in the way here (although all my floor scrubbing, vacuuming and bathroom cleaning is probably handy!). It is time for my yearly medical (nearly 1.5 years late!) and perhaps my eye examination also although we did have our yearly eye examination last January so no rush on that. My yearly medical tends to consist of my doing blood work/other designated tests for my age group and the doctor took about five minutes to discuss (Edward's medical care tended to dominate all of the appointment although he certainly had great need of medical care - at the time of his death he had appointments for cataract replacement, hernia surgery, respirology for his sarcoidosis of the lungs, and appointment for his cirrhosis secondary to sarcoidosis of the liver). I do like to keep my blood work up to date though as catching problems early is better for the health care system; much cheaper for sure. Plus I never want to be hospitalized again if I can avoid that - I have only been in the hospital three times in my life (excluding my birth in one) overnight - two deliveries and treating what was diagnosed as multiple sclerosis in my late 20s (although I think that that diagnosis is surprising given how long I have lived since then in remission but apparently it is possible). I can not really remember being hospitalized way back then when I had the nervous/physical/mental breakdown (my first child was just five months old); I was apparently in another world to quote the psychiatrist. I credit him with my coming back and his words to me continue to remain with me to this day. I did follow his suggestions until led astray a bit by the family doctor we had when our girls were young (but of course I realize they are not trained in psychiatry but did not think of that at the time) but I am back in the groove now. Lead a quiet life; exercise well and eat lightly. 

How I love All Saints Day. I used to go to Church in the morning before I went off to school in my High School days. Perhaps there will be a service online today; must check. I will listen to yesterday's You-Tube service today as yesterday was too busy for me to attend. I like to spend time with the boys when they seek me out. The time will soon come when they do not seek me out but rather are busy with their lives.

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