Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 3rd - hardly seems possible

 Another beautiful November day and still no snow. The cold weather though tells me that it is coming. I managed to update all of my new DNA matches into my files and so I started phasing yesterday. Chromosome 23 is about half way completed. A match from a known descendant of the Welch-Cheatle line has given me my proof for the layout of the 23rd chromosome. One of my brothers received his X chromosome unchanged  in this generation directly from my mother and it is all Buller with no Pincombe DNA. Of course it is a combination of the X chromosome received by my grandmother Pincombe from her parents Edwin Denner Buller and Ellen Taylor. Perhaps one day I will be able to determine the ancestry of the "Taylor" portion as I can see by charting portions that are Welsh-Cheatle passed to Edwin Denner Buller from his mother's parents William Welsh and Sarah Cheatle. It is quite fascinating to look at DNA which has passed intact from my 3x great grandmother to me as my brother and I match for the first half of the X chromosome received from our mother. Just have to continue working through the matches received thus far for the 23rd chromosome and then I am going to remove the smaller ones in the DNA painter file for this chromosome so that the chart is less cluttered. I have painted over 50% now of all five of my seven siblings that have tested. 

We do not have any first cousins and I do not have any DNA for second cousins other than one half second cousin (fortunately I inherited heavily in the Rawlings line and this match answered a number of questions thankfully). A lot of third cousin DNA and that has been very helpful in using DNA Painter. One day perhaps I will be able to persuade some second cousins to do their DNA but most of them live in England and are not known that well to me. One of my cousins did offer way back in 2009 when autosomal DNA was just coming in and I didn't encourage him (a regret for sure but there is always the future!). 

On to a new day and the Legacy webinar today sounds very interesting: Uncovering the lives of your London (England) ancestors. My Christopher Buller lived in Bermondsey on Tooley Street (and I have walked that street including standing right in front of where he had his shop) but his parents are unknown to me. Possibilities but no direct evidence. He married Mary Beard at the Parish Church All Hallows Barking by the Tower although they attended St Olave and were buried there. Their graves were later moved to  Bunhills burial ground when the extensions of London Bridge were added. I bought a layout of the graveyard from LMA showing the graves that were moved. 

A search online brought me to an interesting record I have not seen before. A Poor Law record for Wm Cobb C Robt Buller from 1765 (Christopher was born c 1763) and Wm Buller was living in Westminster, St Clement Danes on Drury Lane. Funny how items just suddenly pop up. Will have to investigate this record for sure. As always the hunt is on; serendipity plays such a role in this family. A visit to London, England in 2001 had my daughter and I staying at a hotel (as it turned out later) right around the corner from where Henry Christopher Buller had his pork butcher shop in the 1830s. I just had this feeling of so being at home! The search continues!

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