Saturday, November 13, 2021

Working on the phasing and Chromosome 19 has a question mark still

Chromosome 19 still seems to be complicated for the last section. I probably need to recalculate and will do that. Chromosome 20 to 23 I am quite satisfied with the new phasing (i.e. introduction of the new matches to see how they fit in). 

The short lengths are sometimes a problem between crossover points. I am using 23 and Me Data for four of us siblings and FT DNA for the fifth. It is the fifth that sometimes does not blend with the other four. Sometimes I will get a short length that is a half match but looks fully matching and can not really see that there is a point where this is possible between the four that have tested at 23 and Me. 

Other than that adding in the new matches (nearly 100 over the past year and a half) has been fairly smooth.

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