Friday, December 3, 2021

Chromosome 11 completed - Chromosome 10 next

 Finished up the day working on Chromosome 10 and redoing the phasing from scratch once again using the 23 and Me results for myself and three of my siblings. I still have to work in the fourth sibling from the FT DNA data and Gedmatch image. I have a very small number of matches on this chromosome in total and just six matches that are known completely to me in terms of ancestry. Other than a huge match of 72.4 cM most of them are just under 20 cM. This chromosome has eighteen crossover points for all five siblings with everyone having at least three and some four which is not too many spread over two chromosome lengths. Several chromosomes are a 50:50 split and one is a complete transfer from just one grandparent. In total there are only 30 matches on this chromosome so 24 are unknown although fortunately match some of the known matches making the task somewhat easier. Having so many Pincombe matches has been a great help in the process although on this particular chromosome I have just one single match for Pincombe but a fairly large Blake match and a good Rawlings match. Buller still tends to be one of the least known so continue to hope that one or more of my second cousins Buller will eventually test where I can match up with them. Again I have some good third cousins matches with Buller descendants still living in England and also living particularly in New Zealand and South Africa. 

Spent part of the day cleaning yesterday and will complete that task today. I do not mind house cleaning; it is good exercise and keeps the dust down!

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