Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December the first, another light snowfall overnight

 Our beautiful white landscape continues with another small snowfall last night to welcome in December. Yesterday the walk around the yard was welcomed midday. Living in an area surrounded by trees means pretty fresh air. Although I grew up in southwestern Ontario I have not lived there now for nearly fifty years and going back seems really different for me. The City is so much larger that I grew up in although I can still find my way around. It just looks really different. 

Published the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter this morning and it is on time. I must try to maintain my Newsletter schedule through the year - first day of the month every month there is a newsletter to produce and publish. All three are on subjects close to my heart although the H11 newsletter may be less useful as time passes. Time will tell. 

The idea of a Kipp Newsletter is still part of my thinking and will discuss that with my eldest daughter to see what she thinks. It would be good to have her help with it somewhat. I do not really have a vested interest in creating the Kipp Newsletter and it would not be particularly centered on the Kipp family that my husband grew up in in southwestern Ontario. He had started to collect so much material on the Kip/Kipp family that it simply gives me a means to publish all of it and glad that I thought of it actually. 

Other than that I continue with Chromosome 12 today checking all the matches, making sure they are painted in DNA Painter and removing any bits that do not match with the results. I often think these small bits are extraneous parts of DNA that simply match because all of our ancestry is from Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) except for a possible portion in Ireland from my maternal grandmother's mother whose mtDNA I carry and H11 is found in Ireland particularly my own subclade. 

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