Monday, December 13, 2021

Dog softly snoring

Life is back to normal; the hydro is up and running once again.  The older dog is softly snoring. He is sound asleep on my bed. He loves his morning snooze with me it would appear as it has become a pattern the last couple of months. The puppy can be exhausting for her and she takes her naps during the day when she is quiet. She is a really good big sister to the baby. They share a grandparent I think. However, they do not look that much alike as one takes after one line and one the other.

Both dog are quite large. The baby is growing rapidly and will soon be her sister's weight (about 60 lb) so I have been busy training her not to jump up on me as she will knock me down for sure. She is doing very well with that actually. I haven't had her jump up now for several weeks. I could still pick her up then but she is too heavy now. 

I did not work on Chromosome 3 online yet. It is almost ready to go and I am looking forward to working on it. I do not have very many large matches (2nd or 3rd cousin) on this chromosome. But I do have a lot of matches - small ones that are known to me but can not necessarily be trusted as they are smaller -  68 in total from 23 and Me, FT DNA, My Heritage, Ged Match (Living DNA and Ancestry). We have four kits on 23 and Me, five kits on FT DNA, five kits on My Heritage, 4 kits on Ancestry and 4 kits on Living DNA. There are a lot of matches as a result of all that testing. Siblings testing is a really good idea even if you know most of your ancestry back to the 3x great grandparents. I just have two lines that are a mystery back to that level. The first my paternal grandmother but I must admit that the My Heritage Theory of Family Relativity is rather interesting looking at her possible father's line. The priest added a second middle name at her baptism of Cotterill and there is just one family in that village with the surname. However both were pretty young at the time. The other mystery is my maternal grandmother's mother with the name Ellen Taylor although surprisingly there are not that many in Birmingham born in her time interval. She was just 37 when she died (my grandmother was 11 and did talk about her mother on occasion - mostly sadly that she would die so young) and my grandmother did remember some things about her that she did share with me. But not a lot it was a very sad time for her as she had to leave school and stay home to take care of her younger siblings (the youngest was just one year of age). 

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