Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Macbeth's seven stages of life

William Shakespeare is a man of the ages. His works still stand as interesting; thought provoking and applicable to life. Amazing that over 400 years have passed and his words have resounded through that entire time period. Seeing the reincarnation of the Globe Theatre in London was very interesting and can not think why today it should come to mind. 

The seven stages of life: infant, school aged child, lover, working life, attainment of position in the working life, retirement and then senility. Although Shakespeare was referring to a man it is really applicable to women as well. We all go through life these days in pretty much that order except you might replace attainment of position with motherhood. Once one is a mother than that pretty much dominates your life all the way to retirement and beyond.  In the scene the world is described as a stage on which we play our part. I always thought he was expressing the thought that every one of us has a part to play in this world whether rich or poor; clever or slow. That is life. 

Chromosome 3 is still not coming together for me yet but I shall continue to plug away at it. Not having a good lengthy known match at the beginning is troublesome and the ones that I do have that are known to me are a bit short and at the 4th cousin level where I could be matching them but slightly differently than thought so risky to use as a basis. Matches flow in every day though and I have reworked the phasing once again and just completing that although thus far no changes. Will see how that flows as I complete it once again. 

I need to do some Christmas shopping so must get into that. I always mean to do it earlier but I wanted to think about it and the time has passed. Hopefully there are still some items in the store that I am interested in purchasing.

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