Saturday, December 11, 2021

On my own for a couple of days

 Decided not to go to the cottage this weekend so on my own for a couple of days. The cat and I are at home and enjoying the beautiful snowy landscape although it is warmer this morning just -1 degrees celsius. We do get these warming trends occasionally throughout the winter just to let us know that spring is around that corner after we actually get to winter which is still another ten days give or take away. 

Winter is such a marvelous season. Time to contemplate; enjoy hot tea a couple of times a day when I remember. Edward was always good at remembering to have a hot drink. I get working away and barely remember to eat!

Chromosome 4 still occupying me. I had one match that looked like a leader but actually I think I am descended from one line on this person's mother's side (her mother has also tested) and from another line on her father's side (he does not appear to have tested although will check that out). So I am back to square one with a block of matches determining whether they are Pincombe or Blake. The comforting thing is that she is likely descendant of Pincombe and Blake (as am I) but different lines although the Blake I can see is my John Blake and Ann Farmer (2x great grandparents who lived at Upper Clatford; had a huge family and over fifty grandchildren who also had large families; they are a huge group). 

Other than that the day is moving forward although not yet dawn. The cat is waiting for his food to dump and I must remember to get my breakfast in the next hour or so. 

The Bible Reading today is from Ephesians 6: 1-23. I especially like Ephesians as it has many life lessons. One part speaks to me: Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people. 

 The Bible never ceases to amaze me in the way it captures life and has for centuries. The wills of my families tells me how close to the heart their religion was and how meaningful it was to them. God be praised for sending us Jesus to better understand Him and to teach us how to live our lives.

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