Sunday, December 12, 2021

Online briefly

 Online briefly as the hydro is out but the generator is running but do not want to overtax it. 

Chromosome 3 is now planned and will begin doing some of the preliminary work that doesn't require the internet very often. 

Will have to watch You-Tube for my Church Service when the power is backup again. 

I got two new matches yesterday (all of us actually) - one was a 50cM length (plus other nice lengths) for Blake on Chromosome 2 so is very welcomed and the second is a 50 cM length on the X chromosome that my father passed to us from his mother so is Rawlings. No idea on who it is as no details at all but suspect it is someone living in England. Sometimes the matches on Blake can be very large coming down from my 2x great grandparents John Blake and Ann Farmer as I rather think this is a third cousin for the large match on Chromosome 2.

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