Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Still entering Chromosome 6

 A lot of matches for Chromosome 6 (some quite ancient in terms of genealogical time frame) to the United States and in my Blake line (from where they are matching likely the Arnold-Knight family). This chromosome has gone fairly smoothly because I have a number of matches in every one of my grandparent's surnames that have a good length. Makes it interesting as you can pretty much allocate any matches that you find on that chromosome to a grandparent line. 

Lots of snow still and will get out again for my regular yard walk (10 times around the yard is about 3 kilometres so not too bad and the walk is interesting. Not as good as a true walk in the woods but with the dogs trailing along and running and playing is quite amusing. Sometimes the cat is there as well just to keep the dogs on their feet. 

I have pretty much dedicated this past few weeks to working on the chromosome phasing for my grandparents and it has been an interesting time. A few changes to what I had originally thought but it is a year and a half since I looked at these chromosomes and I have added in at least two hundred matches in that time to the database. 

Still thinking about the Kipp Newsletter and how I will begin but I rather think I will start it on the 1st of February 2022.

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