Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Trying to book a booster

I have been on the computer trying to book a booster shot for my daughter in mid January but no luck thus far. Will keep trying and she tries when she isn't marking papers. She has been busy ever since she came home for the Christmas break. That is pretty usual. She is marking before Christmas and after Christmas doing research, working with her students and preparing for the next term's courses to get them ready. It is a busy life but she does enjoy it very much and her students are so very kind in their comments to her. Means a lot to her helping people get ahead in life. She teaches online mostly although does also teach in person. It depends entirely on the course. 

Today's Bible Reading spoke to me as they often do but especially today. 

 Titus 3: 1-15

And I especially liked the beginning:

Remind your people to obey the rulers and authorities and not to be rebellious. They must always be ready to do something helpful and not say cruel things or argue. They should be gentle and kind to everyone. We used to be stupid, disobedient, and foolish, as well as slaves of all sorts of desires and pleasures. We were evil and jealous. Everyone hated us, and we hated everyone.

God our Savior showed us
   how good and kind he is.
He saved us because
   of his mercy,
and not because
of any good things
   that we have done.

God washed us by the power
   of the Holy Spirit.
He gave us new birth
   and a fresh beginning.
God sent Jesus Christ
our Savior
   to give us his Spirit.

treated us much better
   than we deserve.
He made us acceptable to God
and gave us the hope
   of eternal life.

This message is certainly true.

These teachings are useful and helpful for everyone. I want you to insist that the people follow them, so that all who have faith in God will be sure to do good deeds. But don’t have anything to do with stupid arguments about ancestors. And stay away from disagreements and quarrels about the Law of Moses. Such arguments are useless and senseless.

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