Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Vaccine once again

 I have now had my booster shot for COVID-19. Home once again with my daughter as she has returned from the United States and likely just in time before any quarantine rules come into effect on people returning from the United States after a couple of months stay. Because she had three flights with two leaving from American cities she had to have a PCR test as well as a rapid test in order to satisfy the rules of both countries. It is an expensive proposition to travel these days. She has been very careful though always wearing a mask when in public and shopping and at meetings. Plus she is also doubly vaccinated and will get a booster when the time interval has been fulfilled. We have lived a quiet life she and I since Edward died. We spent a lot of it putting together his library to donate to the Ontario Genealogical Society Ottawa Branch. He had many published books on family material which will help a lot of people. Edward suggested doing that and he loved helping people with their genealogy as he discovered. Edward and Gordon Riddle (Edward's cousin) went to the first meeting (at least it was Edward's first meeting there I do not know if Gordon Riddle was a member) of the OGS back in the early 80s; Genealogy did not interest me at all back in those days nor does the collection of people related to me even yet. Actually I could not really see the point in doing it although did not say so. How, I thought, would one separate out all the Blake lines for instance in Andover. When I did finally buy the fiche for St Marys Andover I was somewhat shocked to discover how few Blake entries there actually were and likely all for the one Blake family there at least until the 1750s (must finish my transcription one of these days although Ancestry is going to do the Winchester Registry Office). One must be wary of the myths that spread about a family.  Edward was ambivalent about belonging to a genealogical society as well but was persuaded by Gordon Riddle to go with him but he quite embraced the idea and became a very busy member with them for nearly fourty years. Myself I  will not belong to the OGS but did continue my membership with BIFHSGO (must watch my pennies) as all of my ancestry is British Isles unlike Edward with his deep Colonial American ancestry in both the Royal Colonies now Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania and the Dutch Colonies of New Holland now New York and New Amsterdam now New York City. Perhaps because his people had come in the 1600s including the early Dutch in the 1620s they had lost over time the immigration stories of their ancestors so he was quite thrilled with all the information that he found at the NEHGS and NYGBS libraries during our many trips to Boston and New York City after he retired in 2004. Some of it was made for story books to be honest; I still quite marvel at his list of ancestors and how they had been lost to time until he rediscovered them for his own family and his many cousins. 

I will though make a donation to the OGS on the anniversary of Edward's passing each year to help maintain his book donation to the library. It is a lot of work to maintain a library and the volunteers within the society are to be thanked for their ever attentive and careful attention to the library. 

Backing up my work. I tend to do that whenever I make a change in my work schedule rather than sticking to a first of the month rule (and I mostly work on DNA for myself as my sister does the family genealogy). I actually do not make many changes to the bulk of my work as I tend to concentrate on one or two items at a time and back them up each day. Still working on the Siderfin book although have not mentioned it I realize. It is all typed now and I am inserting new material into it. Probably it will take a couple of months especially if I need any new images from Kew as they need to have the time to copy them and then email them to me.

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