Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Beautiful sun today but piles of snow

We got a lot of snow yesterday; apparently 47 centimetres. I am very glad that I pay a company to clear the laneway and walks. Even at that we spent about an hour clearing out the back patio of snow. It is nice to see the good cover for the plants. Another snowfall expected on Wednesday but less; predicted to be around 5 centimetres which means the company will clear again - great news. 

A little more done on H11 yesterday. I am about halfway through the group checking the location of their last known maternal ancestor. I may do little plots on maps if there is time. Maps always make an interesting addition plus you get to really look at the locations and can see the flow that probably brought individual lines from Ukraina Ice Refuge to the last known area. 

I did not yet manage to get to the Siderfin Book. I have been busy setting up to work on the taxes. Learned a whole lot and now just have to figure it all out. I do not expect to submit my taxes or Edward's taxes before April. With that in mind I feel less pressured to get them done as I always submitted right at the beginning of March all these years. Can not think why I did that now; put myself under so much pressure to get it done. Really one has a lot of time to work away at it slowly. Then you are less stressed when you finally submit.

Cleaning day two and the living room has the robot running around it for another 20 minutes or so. Then dust that room while the robot charges up and then the remainder gets the same robotic treatment.  I do enjoy the robot and so does my spine. I suppose it is because I have osteoporosis that the constant strain of running a vacuum is a problem for me. But at 76 one is aging and eventually must succumb to something. Living to be 76 has been a wonder really. I never expected to do that and it is a gift from God for sure. All things come from God and when our time comes we will return to Him. 

Other than that I move forward to finish the cleaning and work on H11 in my breaks from cleaning. The middle floor is in some ways the easiest to do. There isn't too much to move these days; the couches are two seaters which move a lot easier than a large couch. There are three less bookcases in the living room. Everything moves except the two large bookcases and I just haven't tried to move them as they are likely pretty heavy. The children's toys I just move out of the room and wash them off to bring them back in so that they are fresh and ready for them. The TV is mounted to the wall which I am so very happy about. It makes cleaning so much easier. 

Breakfast finished and moving on to the day. I captured all of my posts to the end of December for my story and 2021 is completed. 2022 is started and also captured right up to today's post. The digital age will leave a lot of written material behind individuals who do write things down. One wonders what will happen to all these thoughts. I scanned my mother's letters in case she has a granddaughter or grandson one day who would like to read her 25 years of letters to me. I did not intentionally keep all those letters but when I had read them and also read them to my children I put them into a drawstring bag that I had and they collected up through the years until the bag was full and then I found another to fill. No idea why I did that; perhaps it was being so far from the one person who knew me better than myself. I just wanted to keep a little of her especially after she passed. The letters became so much more important and then one day I scanned them so that I could share them with anyone in the family who wanted them. My mother's father died when she was eight and I would say you could see the sadness in her eyes even all those years later when she was older and would mention him. She is with him now and very happy I am sure.

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