Thursday, January 27, 2022

Dawn is breaking

Not so cold this morning just minus 21 degrees celsius. Dawn is just breaking in the east a beautiful red glow and it is cloudy.  Not so cold today and no snow promised. Sounds like a great day.

Yesterday I completed the cleaning and now four days without dust. Since I have a slight allergy to dust it is comfortable knowing that there are four days without my stirring it up. I wonder if everyone has a slight allergy to dust and it just increases slowly as we age to be honest. 

The truckers continue to head for Ottawa and those unvaccinated are presumably going into stores and talking to people; hopefully wearing masks and if they get the virus they will have 100 to 1000 times the virus load to spread around. Really one's freedom ends where it infringes on another's freedom. That is what democracy is about. Right now they are clogging the highways which is inappropriate at any time but especially in the winter. They intend to gridlock Ottawa which, as a resident, is totally unacceptable. Why make one million people suffer just because they do not want to get vaccinated. 

When I was a child you couldn't even come into Canada without a smallpox vaccination; what is their beef really? They just want to cause trouble and the anarchists are always waiting in the wings for just such a thing so that they can then commit violence hopefully unnoticed because that is how they operate. They just hang around waiting for someone to get something going and into action they go. Then we have violence. The greatest freedom that you can enjoy is inside of your own four walls and that is where you belong if you do not get vaccinated. You are a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. And the worst part of all of this is that you infect the ones that you have convinced to not get vaccinated, your friends, your older relatives maybe vaccinated but their systems are less able to fight the virus and they may succumb. Freedom could become a very lonely life.

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