Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Day three and the cleaning will be finished

 Another good cleaning day yesterday saw even the pantry reorganized in the kitchen. Light snow falling right now and it is most welcomed. This polar vortex sucks the very life out of the snow on the ground rendering our light snow cover thus far too inadequate to protect the elements beneath it. Perhaps we will get a few good centimetres of snow today. 

Today the basement and it has begun with the robot vacuuming the rug we have at the one end for our exercise room. I do tend to be an exercise fanatic but also I really enjoy running as well as calisthenics, yoga. All are good for you but especially good for you when you are into your 70s and if I hit my 80s then I will relate on its value at that age but suspect that it is irreplaceable at any age. I am careful to protect my joints though so that I hopefully avoid things like hip/knee replacement. I stopped running on the pavement long ago and concentrated on a good basement run. Works well for me. My resting heart rate tends to be in the low 50s which is good news for sure for anyone my age. 

Today the cleaning gets the best of my time but I may try to make a forage into some of my research. Working in another nearly 30 matches a couple of days ago where a couple of them were obvious in their ancestry showed me that the latest rendition of the phasing of my grandparent's (and hence my parent's DNA) is pretty accurate. There are still points here and there where I find it iffy although these points do tend to be not too badly supported in their placement. 

I also need to start looking at my H11 Newsletter for 1st of February as this is a round-up issue in which I again postulate on possible names for subclades and if areas are given in the details then also location. Location has proven to be quite interesting for some but for others it is just ballpark where you have a very large area and people from all over that large area in a particular subclade. The project continues to grow with 387 in the mtDNA H11 project and another 38 have joined with their Family Finder results. I suspect that they have uploaded from another site where they know their mtDNA is H11 and are checking out the newsletter and members. I do not reply to emails from people offering me their results from another site mostly because I just do not have enough time plus I will not share any results that are on my project. 

Snow falling a little harder now so hopefully a few centimetres of fresh cover to protect the ground under the snow from that polar vortex that is sitting on top of us at the moment. Mind you it is just minus 13 degrees celsius now but the windchill is minus twenty degrees celsius.

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