Friday, January 21, 2022

Edward's Celebration of Life

Edward's Celebration of Life and Interment is gradually coming together. Mind you it will not be before May with Omicron so much a part of our lives these days. It will be just family in the Chapel at Christ Church Cathedral. He loved the music and choirs there and we have been attending from the mid 1990s until he had his pacemaker inserted. We still went after the pacemaker but not so regularly. His recovery period was short in actual fact but he liked to be busy and out and about and so we did that. He really enjoyed the organ prelude and postlude and all the music in between and the choir singing chants. Edward sang in Orleans United Church Choir for fifteen years and several times he did sing solos. He was also Treasurer at Orleans United for ten years. After he drifted away in the mid 1990s and we went to Dominion Chalmers for about three years I think until that minister retired (he was an excellent Old Testament Scholar and I loved his sermons) and then we went regularly to Christ Church which we had been attending perhaps once a month from the mid 1990s on until we went there regularly in the late 1990s. 

His interment will be in the Columbarium at Christ Church Cathedral. It took me a very long time to make that decision knowing that it was not his particular choice. It was mine as I have been a lifelong Anglican and far from home and family the Church is my home. I really felt I had to do Beechwood but finally I just could not do that. He never liked to be alone and in the Cathedral the music flows most days and the Choirs practice. It is a wonderful place to rest in peace I think. 

I have struggled these nine months to settle all of this and I do have my doubts on occasion because I always did what Edward asked me to do but I finally said to myself my daughters knew his preference and they are with me on this but when I pass then they can make the decision that best suits them and I will be happy with that. But in my lifetime I am simply much more comfortable with this decision. 

For some reason Enbridge has not billed me since November and I hope that I finally have a solution to that. I have been working with the online contact on their site which does give you a real agent when the online bot can not solve the problem but that was not getting my billing done so I called Customer Care and I now have a Case Number and hopeful date of the end of January for my billing to come up to date. I have paid the normal plus 15% just in case so I am paid up when the bill finally comes. With the temperature at minus 31 degrees celsius it is critical to have one's furnace for sure. It is a mystery to me that I am not being billed and this is the second month without a billing. The cold weather of the last couple of weeks has really brought it home to me how much we do need our heat in this country. Plus my grandson is here half the week. It is the strangest thing when I first called after the bill in December was not received the person I spoke to said the billings were just slow but yesterday the individual did not say quite the same thing so I decided to go to Customer Care which was very helpful. I guess if I can not get it solved I will ask my son-in-law to take over dealing with it. He and my grandson are here staying at the house part of every week. 

Working on H11 Newsletter and nearly finished with the task of looking at every member of the study's earliest ancestor information. I should be finished this morning or afternoon. Then just the article to write about the material I found yesterday which was rather interesting and it is good to go. But it turns out that I already put that article into an earlier newsletter; I thought it rang a bell and on checking there it was. Actually I saw it a little bit differently but not enough to republish it! But I am early again. Amazing!

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