Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Probate Index continues

 At a quick check there are maybe 15 wills that I have not yet built into an excel file for the Probate Index. This will be a short submission but I hope to begin anew transcribing wills and maybe do one a day. It will still take a long time to transcribe all the wills (about 1500) but my eyes will thank me. 

Still dark out there at 7:05 am but only minus 15 degrees celsius. We are to have snow today although I do not know how much is expected. There is also a cold warning to come with minus 27 degrees celsius tonight. The humidity is high but that cold we do not get much snow. 

The top floor was cleaned yesterday and completely finished so the main floor today and the basement tomorrow. The schedule keeps me on track for sure. Then in my rest periods I can do some work. I generally work 45 minutes and work about the same at my desk. I must keep reminding myself to post the two newsletters on the 1st of February. Time is passing quickly this last couple of weeks. Possibly being busy or just that is generally the way my life has moved anyway. 

I am nearly 76.5 years old now. I can remember both of my grandparents at this age. They were busy people; did a lot of walking and enjoyed their lives. Both had lost their spouse but did not seem too lonely in their old age. My grandfather lived with us and my grandmother lived with her son and his wife. Living alone is not very practical at this age. There is just too much to do in a house. It is nice to be with family and I appreciate my daughters letting that happen. Although Edward found it hard to do very much the last year of his life he was a lot of company for me and we talked more than perhaps we had in years because I stopped doing all my transcription and the like and would sit with him while he watched the TV in the morning and afternoon. I watched a lot of cooking shows; not my favourite but they were interesting. Edward liked The View as well and daily we would watch some of our old movies on VHS and DVD. 

Not likely enough snow for Worry Free to come so will be out there moving what there is later today.

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