Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday and I will watch Church on You-Tube

I had two sudden realizations when I awoke the first a very good one and the second one a worry.

The good one is of course this is Sunday and Church on You-Tube once again and the realization that once Edward is interred in the Columbarium at Christ Church Cathedral I will feel like I am there with him every Sunday at the service on You-Tube. Being 76 is not easy is some ways; it is less possible for me to manage things as I once could have done. But that was a very cheery thought and glad that I had it. Plus I have the service to look forward to today. 

Edward and I watched a serial "Waiting for God" a few years back. I loved that show. Life just looked so much easier living in a pleasant room with a patio and lots of walking space around the building. Meals all prepared but there was also a small kitchen area in the unit. Edward and I both thought that was what we might like to do and we did do a bit of searching around back in 2014 and 2015 for such a place. But we didn't find one just like it and Edward just really preferred all his space so did not pursue it any further. But the one room stuck with me and I can see myself eventually being somewhere that I can go for a walk whenever it occurs to me and still feel comfortable. I do not like to wander about too much. Plus I only drive very locally where I know the area perfectly. In essence though we are waiting for God as our days become much longer on this earth. One never knows the time or the place my father used to say. The last time I visited my Father about four days before he passed away we were chatting (me mostly because he found talking difficult) and his eyes told me that his time was coming. There was excitement in those eyes as he talked about his parents a little and I know he is happy with them once again. He was 94 years of age when he passed but had been in care for a number of years.

The second one that is a worry is Enbridge not billing me because they also bill for subsiduary companies that provide me with a rental furnace and rental water heater. That realization sent my mind into overload for sure and I did write to Enercare to let them know and see if I can pay that direct until this business of not being billed by Enbridge is resolved. Enercare sent me a letter early in December letting me know that rates would be going up for the rental furnace which is fine; I am sure everything is going to cost more money. When our furnace failed back in 2014 or thereabouts we decided to rent the furnace and try that out because it sounded like the care plan would be helpful to us as we aged. It has been good and we could always buy the furnace if we sold the house and the new owner preferred to own the furnace but in the meantime Enercare maintained the furnace for us through the years (as they had before because we always had a careplan but this just sounded more convenient). But now with Enbridge not billing me (and I have been calling them a number of times about that) that is a real worry. Hopefully I can just solve this quickly. I have been paying Enbridge what I paid last year plus 10% so I will soon have a credit in my account for two months as I just paid the second month last week. When I called at the end of December when their bill did not come, the individual I spoke to said their billings were late. So I patiently waited and then part way through January I tried the online system and I did not receive the same information so I called Customer Care and they gave me a Case Number and said it should be resolved by the end of January or up to 30 days. But that would mean two months not paid to the subsiduary companies I am realizing this morning. So I contacted Enercare directly on their website and will pay them directly until this is resolved or of course whatever they decide.

Noticing that other people have talked about this non-billing issue in other parts of the province. I was already receiving an e-bill but the system I was on was being merged with another asset and I guess the road has been bumpy. I wish the woman I first spoke to had explained carefully instead of just laughing and saying that the billings were late. I need precise information as I knew there was something at the back of my mind bothering me but it took a bit to force it out. I am thinking about too many things; my life is still so incredibly busy which I enjoy but I also need to keep track of things. 

Probate Index started and this is file 13. I have given the Guild thousands of lines of probate index. There will be a lot more by the time I complete the wills. .

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