Sunday, January 30, 2022

When does it end

Rideau Mall was closed down yesterday because the protestors refused to put their masks on to go into the mall. Ontario still has that rule; what right do they have to defy it. An opportunity to collect fines for sure when the government is short of money but they were just made to leave. They could have COVID and they could be spreading it and creating a super spreader event. They do not care about Canada; only about themselves. That is anarchy not democracy. In a democratic country we care about following the rules; that is what makes democracy work. There are rules that govern all of our actions; wake up and smell the roses instead of creating trouble in our area. Stay home inside your own four walls where freedom is abundant and stop creating trouble for our stores and businesses. Plus the havoc you have created on the roads is ridiculous.

Hope they all go home today; why should Ottawa have gridlock in the entire down town area. Why should we have big trucks in our downtown city streets polluting the air because it is cold here minus 22 this morning and possibly colder downtown haven't checked the weather yet. They were honking horns although I can not hear them out here but still why should we have to endure this ridiculous demonstration that basically has nothing to do with the government in Ottawa. Health care is enacted by the provinces other than the cross border mandate to be vaccinated which goes both ways to and from the United States. Just get vaccinated or stay home where you do not infect the old and the infirm. Really disgusted this morning. Plus demonstrators desecrated the war memorial and danced on the tomb of the unknown soldier - they should be fined and made to clean up any messes. 

They are spoiling business days for the stores and shops in downtown Ottawa after all the lock downs that we have had. Go home and be a menace there; stop bothering our city. 

Yesterday I worked away on the Blake wills getting them in order and ensuring that I have completed what I thought I had. I want to get back to transcribing a will a day and it will take me maybe four years to get them all done. Looking forward to getting that done. 

Today is Sunday and Church on You-Tube. Looking forward to that as well and hopefully no interference from the demonstrators. 

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