Saturday, February 5, 2022

And the winter continues

 More snow and it is welcomed; it is part of the beauty of Canada - all that white. From the air it looks so very white with cities in between the whiteness. We live in a beautiful country full of all sorts of people. If they love the land then they can enjoy Canada instead of always trying to change it. The Canada of my youth has mellowed and matured. We made decisions that were hard in the days following World War II. We decided no nuclear weapons in our country even though every one around us has them both north south and east west. We do not want to destroy the world; we want to live in it. Our Arctic is rapidly warming twice as fast as anywhere else on earth. Being destroyed by those who do not care who are only in it for the here and now to make money. Where will they spend it when the world is not as liveable as it even is now. One wonders.

I transcribed the will of Christian Siderfin (1644) and will publish it online as well as in my revision of the book on the Siderfin family. It does make for interesting reading and it does trouble me a little that James Sanders the original author did not appear to accurately report on the contents of that will. Gradually working myself through the book adding in the information that I have already found and that I am finding as I work on some of the documents that I had only briefly read years ago. 

Church on You-Tube tomorrow and looking forward to the service. Tomorrow is the 6th of February. The day the King died. I was in elementary school when we were all brought into the auditorium (kindergarten classroom) to be told that the King had died and to celebrate our new Queen. But mostly it was about King George VI who died so young. That day is forever embedded in my memory. Our principal was a retired British soldier and raised us in that school to think of Empire as he used to say but now Commonwealth. Since I also learned that from my grandfather it was already part of my growing up life. 

It has been a wondrous blessing to grow up to adulthood and come to old age in Canada. The true north strong and free; may Canada go on forever as free as it is today (once the trucker convoy leaves us alone and goes back to what they do so very well; keeping us supplied with all the necessities of life and beyond). They helped us through the pandemic hopefully they will help us to get back to normal at the pace which kills the fewest people. 

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