Friday, February 4, 2022

Another super match in Pincombe line

 Amazing how many matches there are in the Pincombe line although perhaps not so amazing when you consider that my 3x great grandparents had eight children and many grandchildren/great grandchildren etc. My own line is small back to my great grandparents with just two half second cousins. But third cousins in abundance and fourth and beyond that. This new match is on alternate chromosomes which is very nice to see. I have noted glimmers of this match with lines further back but now I am seeing it in a third cousin whose line has not yet tested. The line is known to me and our great grandparents were brothers making our MRCA our two times great grandparents John Pincombe and Elizabeth Rew. I have been waiting for such a match as it covers chromosomes that were missing with the other Pincombe matches. 

Off to paint them and add them to my recording system in Excel. They are a nice treat to have today. They also link a set of data that I knew was Pincombe but separate from the large collection of third cousins known to me.  A great bonus as winter continues to keep us in its grasp. 

No work on wills yesterday; the day flew by. Perhaps today. 

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