Sunday, February 20, 2022

Another wonderful Olympics

Congratulations to Canadian athletes for their performance in the Olympics. Just watching the closing ceremonies. 

It was strange having the occupation in downtown Ottawa all during the Olympics but that is finished as well. Our city will never be quite the same again. But we have upheld the Canadian tradition of politeness on our part even if the occupiers did not. They were rude and broke many bylaws. We have tried as a city to minimize the impact of COVID-19 to protect our hospitals and the aged and immuno compromised. The objectives of this occupation varied from beginning to end with their fake news saying that they did not do some of the things that they did in fact do. Their demands were very un-Canadian really. We are a polite people who pride ourselves on respecting each other's rights but there are always unfortunately some people who do not share our views. Profanity was abundant on the news reels by the protesters. I remember as a child my mother saying that people use profanity because they are frustrated at not getting their own way. It does seem ridiculous to see that in an adult. Putting their children in harm's way was another aspect we have not really seen in Canada. Using them as shields in order to create sympathy does not work anymore. We regard those who do so as childish and incapable of managing a protest without breaking the laws of our country. 

Blaming the police for their own failure to properly conduct a protest is a non starter. The police were magnificent and did their job perfectly. There were no hitches on their part. They were controlled and caring for the entire process. Even when a gas grenade was thrown at them they did not panic. They simply brought the protester down and arrested him before he could do more damage. Children's Aid was on hand to protect any children foolishly put into harm's way by their parents (and it is also illegal in this country to have your children at a protest under the Emergencies Measure's Act). It was disgusting to see children there actually in harm's way. 

The net result would be hopefully that the Parliamentary precinct is a zone carefully controlled by the RCMP with checkpoints in and out. They have spoiled our country's free and open access to Parliament Hill. For that we will always remember them. The bonus is we know (meaning CSIS) who the anarchists are in our population. God bless Canada and her peoples (even those who abused our politeness) and may the anarchists be brought to a better place in their lives and share the courtesy that characterizes Canadians instead of the face that they have presented these past weeks. 

No Church today because my Church is in a no-go zone in the downtown area. But the protest is gone and our city can be restored to peace and tranquility once again. The police have done a great job with the help of the Emergency Measures Act. What a shame that we had to use it to restore our rights and freedoms taken away from us by the Freedom Convoy. Never was a protest more misnamed.

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