Sunday, February 13, 2022

Beautiful Day today

 What a lovely day to be at the cottage. The lake is frozen solid now and skating is on the agenda except I think I will watch. I have not skated for a very long time and perhaps at 76 I will enjoy watching others do that. I could do it; I know I could but if I fall with my osteoporosis I could break a bone. Sometimes I think that is how one gets started down the road to incapacity by doing things that have an element of danger in them for one when it is a while since one has done that. I will stick to my solid ground exercises like running, calisthenics, walking and weight lifting and then in the summer swimming. I love to swim. 

Working on Sudoku at the cottage; a favourite pastime of mine but I only do that at the cottage as I become a bit of an addict doing them; I just keep on doing them one after another!

The dogs love the cottage. They have a big yard at home but the cottage has more property and they can really have good runs without coming up against a fence but they are good to stay on the property. 

Had the weekend to think about the Occupation of Ottawa and the blocking of the Ambassador Bridge and the decision to draw up legislation to prevent this happening in the future. I think that I really despise the blockaders and occupiers. Canada has never had to have such a strong set of laws because we are people who obey the rule of law until now. I am disappointed as a Canadian that they could not just do what everyone did in the past which was to protest and then go home. It is frankly quite disgusting that we are forced to enact such laws. I am glad that the bridge will open again soon and I hope that anyone who impedes traffic again for such a ridiculous protest will be put in jail and fined and made to take and pass a course in Canadian history before they are released. And for the person who said the police were not with history; no you have it wrong you are not with history. You are teaching your children to be anarchists. We are all tired of COVID but we know that a roadmap is being made and portions already released quite a while ago to bring us back to whatever the new normal is. 

I do hope that you also leave Ottawa very soon. You have been disruptive and rude and guilty of  injuring our city. We would not do it to your city or wherever you live. Go Home. 

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