Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Can we solve this protest?

Probably not but we could relocate protests. They shouldn't be in the middle of a busy city. We need a protest area where there is lots of room for big trucks and people to congregate and have their say. We are not a dictatorship; if we were then these people would be long gone. But out of respect for everyone's rights and surely protestors can see that we all have rights or do they? there should be a place where they could protest to their heart's content at their own expense. We could surround the area with a barbed wire fence and have it patrolled regularly by the military until the protest was finished. That way we would be protecting their right to protest without taking away anyone else's rights. 

Love that solution. Glad that I am not in the downtown area listening to that racket. It is surely breaking the noise bylaw and they should be fined. After all they gathered up millions of dollars in a GoFundMe they should pay for all the bylaws they are breaking. After all we, you and me public, would have to pay for all the fines for breaking all the bylaws they are breaking. With all the pictures though it should be possible to send them their fines through the mail and then cancel their driver's licenses if they do not pay in 30 days until they pay.

Discovered about half of the wills I put into my folder were done and will work through the other group today. Good news; I rather thought they were done but the wills were hard to read so put them aside so that my task would be done quickly as most of them were easy to sort out. 

On to the day. Nice that restrictions are somewhat lifted and we will see the fallout if any except for our area where the protest people are wandering around downtown Ottawa trying and going into stores without masks and infecting people if they are infected. Really they should be able to test after all they gathered up all of that money. They could surely buy test kits for everyone. Hard to believe we live in a democracy where everyone respects everyone else when you see a protest like that. It is anarchy that is being practised in our downtown area. We could bring in the army and clear them out to a nice piece of NCC parkland somewhere outside of the city where they will not be trespassing on people's rights and freedoms. I am sure the networks would continue to let us view their protests on the television.

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