Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Church on You Tube today

Our weekly Church Service will be on YouTube today. The protesters are gone from Parliament Hill. I did support their right to protest but they almost immediately became anarchists as they broke into the Rideau Mall not wearing masks. I think that was the point at which I no longer supported their right to protest. They were breaking our bylaws and destroying the way of life in downtown Ottawa. They did it on purpose proclaiming freedom when all we wanted was to get back to normal in this slow progressive way that has worked very well for us this past two years. Anarchy never works; it destroys civilizations and takes us back to a less workable past. 

Looking forward to Church. Last night I attended an interesting panel on Climate Change which was created by the Ottawa Diocese. A lot of interesting ideas were shared by the panelists. I support all of these ideas but I also support oil. I just think we shouldn't burn it in cars; we need to move away from that as quickly as possible. But oil itself is a precious commodity with lots of good uses and I look forward to the Trans Mountain Pipeline creating lots of new industries that will profit Canada. This needs to stay Canadian as its potential to support the Canadian population is very large. I would like to see it used to create Guaranteed Minimum Income for Canadians if retained by the government and if not the taxed profits could go towards creating such a program. It is highly likely that people on minimum income will spend it in the area that they live in benefiting the stores and industries in that area. 

But the best part is the occupation has been sent on its way. Our police were magnificent; they did a perfect job really. That, in spite of the anarchists putting their children in harm's way to try to slow the police down. A lesson in perfection for sure and one that can be a model for any such occupations in the future. We are a country that lives by the rule of law and the argument that this is an Act to be used in only very serious instances is poor management. This occupation was dug in and had no intention of moving on. A specialized treatment was needed and the Emergency Measures Act provides for just that sort of specialized treatment - the rapidity with which the area was cleared is proof of that. 

God bless Canada and her peoples.

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