Friday, February 11, 2022

Congratulations to Premier Doug Ford for declaring this an illegal blockade

My congratulations to Premier Doug Ford; he did very well. So many questions about why it took so long? Do people no longer study our history in school? People have a right to protest in a polite and seemly fashion. This was neither polite nor seemly. They quickly became an insurrection in Ottawa and should have left; some did; I will give them credit. They realized that the initial reason for coming was being used for other purposes. 

It takes time to carefully make the kind of decisions that have now been made. What these people are doing is illegal. They could be immediately bundled up and put into police wagons and taken to jail unless they leave now. Their children should be protected by the Children's Aid Society until a designated family member can come and take them home. Hopefully they have a family member that can do that. We do not jail children for the errors of their parents.  It is disgusting what they are teaching their children; you do not have rights that infringe on other people's rights. Personally I am happy that the children are having fun in Ottawa as their parents have commented; too bad the lessons they are learning from those parents are the methods of anarchists. 

Thank you Premier for now announcing the means to an end of this blockade in particular of the Ambassador Bridge. Hopefully, this will also work for Ottawa. Certainly one of their punishments should be to attend a course in Canadian History and write an examination that they must pass to get their driver's licenses back. They need to do this so they can understand what they  have done wrong. They obviously do not understand the rule of law at all. 

We are all weary of COVID. How many ways do we have to say that. The way out is not the way of the protestors. It is a careful methodical plan not hysteria.

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