Tuesday, February 1, 2022

H11 Newsletter Volume 6 Issue 1 is published

 This issue of the H11 Newsletter is only available from the mtDNA H11 study on the FT DNA website. Although the results are anonymized I do not wish to publish them on the open web. If you have tested at FT DNA please do join the H11 project; all are welcomed who have mtDNA H11. I do publish the other three issues of the year because I do not publish the update in subclades other than the first issue. 

I did notice some errors in the 1st issue of Volume 5 and they are corrected in this issue. 

mtDNA is very interesting. If you happen to have a less common haplogroup subclade like H11 it is possible to learn more about your deep origins although not always. But the gift from doing mtDNA is learning your deep ancestry about your furtherest back female ancestor. One can roll back the years in one's mind and imagine the life of our ancestors living in a cruel and harsh ice age world.

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