Friday, February 18, 2022

Happy days are coming

Happy to see that Ottawa has turned a corner on the occupation. We will be free and soon I suspect. Plus my Enbridge account is all fixed and life goes on. They were as quick as they said they would be and I appreciate that very much. Just the Income Tax to do and then moving forward with the usual of newsletters and research and the addition of managing Edward's research. 

New snow is always welcomed and we got lots of it. Covers up the old snow and gives this lovely picture card out of the window. I do so love that view. I would always want to live in a country that has lots of winter snow. It does make spring so much more meaningful for sure as that snow melts away and Nature yields up her bounty of beauty in spring flowers. 

Another cleaning day as the dogs did not go to daycare yesterday so I accomplished less. I put them out for a run in the yard but they just stood and gazed in the window at me. So I put on my coat and out I went for the usual 45 minute walk in the backyard with the dogs running about me jumping and playing with each other. They just let me walk but they like the company. The cat instead looking through the window at us but I could not tempt him to come outside. He is definitely tired of the snow and the cold but he is getting older. Plus he is right down in the snow when he is out. The dogs have long legs. 

No work done on the Siderfin book yesterday I was cleaning and watching the police managing the situation in downtown Ottawa. We are a polite people but this was too much for sure. Plus having to watch children being treated in such a fashion was dreadful. Children have a right to be in their home and not put on public display in front of our national capital where their parents are breaking our bylaws daily and acting as if it is their right. The only good thing that comes out of all of this is we know who the anarchists are and there can be a police watch on them for the rest of their lives. Twenty two days to protest is too long. There should be an amendment to the Charter limiting protests to daytime hours and for perhaps two days at the most.

How anyone can support their cause is beyond me for sure. I am also tired of COVID; everyone is but the way forward is to follow the rules that most of us are following. Anarchists spoil it for everyone. 

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