Thursday, February 17, 2022

Huge snowfall expected

An interesting twist to the occupation of downtown Ottawa, there is heavy snow expected. I have not been downtown for a very long time and especially since the occupiers came to our city. Apparently they carry signs that indicate they belong to the Christian right movement. They have literally forced all of the Churches that are downtown to close for the moment although my Church has a You-Tube service. Is it a coincidence that the Churches they have forced closed are mostly mainline and not far right? Why do people think that the colour of their skin has anything to do with their position in the world? No one is better; no one is smarter just because they are white. To the best of my knowledge my ethnicity is British Isles going back at least six hundred years and then I might be able to claim some Huguenot French but mostly I am British Isles with both my paternal line (yDNA) and my maternal line (mtDNA) likely going back eight to twelve thousand years in the British Isles (primarily paternal in the area of Andover and maternal in the Ayrshire/Argyllshire area). The autosomal does pick up a few other items like French and Scandinavian but they are minor compared to the percentage of British Isles ethnicity. 

I feel sorry for the children. They should have rights to learn all that there is to learn and not a narrow education that makes them feel superior just because they are white. Hopefully, they will all go home now without any trouble.  The sin of training children to be anarchists will live on in this country into another generation but it is very minor. There are very few people there in actual fact. Why spoil the children's lives; let them live in a country that welcomes everyone and sees them as equal under the sun. 

Cleaning again today and maybe a little bit on the Siderfin book. I should develop a timeline to keep myself working on the book so that I complete it in a timely fashion. I shall also look at the next Newsletter - Pincombe - which I started a few days ago.

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