Thursday, February 3, 2022

Life moves on

Another snow day although we do not have very much yet. More to come I suspect but will wait and see on that. 

Cleaning all accomplished once again and four dust free days for sure. Always welcomed. We went for a walk around the large block here (about 2.5 km) and that was most pleasant. Enjoy a good walk but prefer it not be minus 20 or 30 degrees celsius. That is too cold for these old bones. 

Today I shall take a stab at some of those wills that need doing and that are in latin. It will take me a bit to do them likely although if the writing is clear enough that speeds up the process. I must get back to learning more latin so that I can easily translate them. However when I publish them I only publish the transcription although may consider putting the translation into the *.pdf but that is a little way off. 

Other than that another beautiful white world out there to enjoy. Looking forward to the Olympics and our team there. The protest has had enough air time now. They have become boring and a waste of good newsreel. 

Surprised to see Erin O'Toole gone in some ways but they have chosen an interesting Interim Leader. I thought it might be Rona Ambrose but she has moved on likely. Being Prime Minister isn't in her play book perhaps or maybe she will run and doesn't want to be Interim Leader. Time will tell.  

Other than that all is quiet in Canada land today; we have a load of snow to contend with and all that entails. I tend not to look outward at the rest of the world in my blog. It is always a shifting landscape out there except perhaps for the British Commonwealth which stays pretty stable with a few exits occasionally. Interesting that the British Empire (now in its reformed state of Commonwealth) has persisted for over four hundred years. It may rival the Roman Empire eventually in the History books. Quiet but efficient; the Westminster Parliamentary System has proven to be one of their gifts to the world. The checks and balances created by precedence has been a good experiment in getting along thus far.

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