Saturday, February 19, 2022

Next week can not come soon enough

 I will be so glad to see the protesters gone. The heavy police presence is reassuring. What world do these protesters leave in? It can not be real time Canada or they would know that what they are doing is socially unacceptable; morally unacceptable and legally unacceptable. They could just go home and let us have our city back. They spoiled Winterlude what little there was to be. They spoiled school for the children in the areas they are occupying. They ruined Church in the areas they are occupying. There is no shopping in the area that they are occupying - they spoiled that as well. They are selfish. They have imprisoned an entire community and tried to hold it ransom. Plus there being here had no effect except to ruin our city; COVID rules were going to be relaxed until they came and ran around the Rideau mall without masks (breaking our bylaw amongst many others) and caused another lockdown in that area.

I remember when the War Measures Act was invoked in 1970 and what a cold feeling that was to know that we had such terror in our country. Now The Emergency Measures Act is invoked and it is a good thing. In 1970 one couldn't tell for sure who was supporting whom. Now in this digital age everyone who has supported this ridiculous truck convoy can be identified. They deserve whatever is handed out to be honest. Was it needed? Of course, there is no other way to handle these people. They do not listen to anything that is said to them. We are all tired of COVID but we were on the way out until they arrived and broke all of our bylaws with respect to masking. They have exposed innocent minds to their devious ways and planted seeds of anarchism in their minds. I hope that seeing that huge police presence will tell the children that their parents are wrong. 

I agree with protest but this occupation is anarchy. Blowing up a bouncy castle when you have been told to leave twice is an insult to the police. You are trying to create violence. Probably 99% of people who live in Ottawa want you to go.  A few thousand did support you but one wonders why they would do that. Again in our polite way please go home and leave our city in peace. We have been polite about this but it is time to go. 

The notion that this police action could have happened earlier is rubbish. They needed all the tools of the Emergency Measures Act to get rid of this occupation. Knowing where the money came from was a great help and then freezing their accounts made it so much easier. Plus we needed all those police so that no one was injured; the show of force was and is perfect. The federal government can only make laws and it was up to the police to handle the situation. They needed more resources; they have them. 

I have been a Conservative most of my life until PM Harper tried to destroy Library and Archives Canada. That was it for me. Now Premier Ford is interesting and would make a good leader - he listens except he doesn't agree with Guaranteed Minimum Income but maybe he can see that as well one day. The Conservative Party needs to find itself again so that conservatives can return to the fold. Just complaining about the use of the Emergency Measures Act turns me off of voting for them. Wake up Conservative party; you ate with the occupiers and supported them. That is why they stayed so long. Until the Conservatives start relating to all the people of Canada I vote Liberal federally. 

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