Friday, February 11, 2022

The Olympics - another great olympics

 And, amazingly, there is so much going on in Canada that I have forgotten to say that I am also glued to the television watching the Olympics. Canada doing well in their game against Sweden thus far. 

I can scarcely believe that so much happening has overshadowed the Olympics in my postings. I love the Olympics, for three weeks I generally am into that but being in China does limit it a little as they are busy competing whilst I sleep. 

We are doing very well but as always Europeans do really well in the winter olympics as well. It is their game too for sure. Flying over the alps years ago with its snow caps already well installed in late November one can understand why they excel at winter sports as well. Always cheering our Canadian team on and when we are not competing I do cheer on the American team; after all they are our neighbours and good friends. 

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