Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Siderfin Book is starting to take on a life

As I work my way through the Third Generation, the Siderfin Book is starting to come alive for me. I am feeling more comfortable. I am still missing the original text for some items that James Sanders used because the books have been bought up and published privately by companies. I am a great believer in capitalism so will bide my time but for the most part records are readily available at the end of my fingers on the keyboard as I use the available resources. Finding the original registers for Luxborough on Ancestry has been a boon for the project. I have downloaded a number of pages and will extract what I want from them today for the book. Too bad the mice got at the books though as some interesting items are now gone forever unless the Bishops Transcripts exist and I will have a look for them. 

But I am now totally convinced that Robert Siderfin did not die in 1612; rather he lived to see the grandchildren he mentions in his will and passed on to his children the different rights and properties that he acquired after 1612. His will in 1627 will provide a bridge to the Fourth Generation. I probably will not finish the Third Generation today as I will be proofreading all the Foster-Siderfin material that I retyped. Since the book is now three times longer than the original and eventually will be closer to ten times by the completion of the project James Sanders section will seem quite small. I need to determine how to show the difference. I have been putting square brackets around my additions but these are rapidly taking over the entire book. Perhaps I should reverse and put the square brackets around the original work. Having thought that through I will put that into practise as I am so very close to the beginning still. 

But today is a cleaning day as well. Yesterday I vacuumed so today I scrub. Cleaning is a never ending task really but it is also rewarding. The dogs and I went out for a walk and that was great fun part way through the day. The latest snowfall was a mixture of ice and snow that formed a very hard surface on the top of the snow letting us walk along on the path. It is minus 17 degrees celsius here today and it is sunny. Another lovely walk today I expect. 

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