Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Trucker Convoy here in Ottawa and at the Ambassador Bridge and everywhere else

I still think they should just pack up and go quickly and quietly if they are capable of bringing their trucks back into order. If they think we have snow and ice now in Ottawa wait until the bulk of the snow comes starting mid February into March. They had their say; this is a democracy but now it has become ludicrous. They actually have children with them. Why are they not in school? Another law broken. What kind of a person would bring children to something like this? It is cold in Ottawa in the winter; a truck isn't a home unless it has to be in which case it would be outfitted to do the job. Before I thought they were just unknowing of how a democracy works; now I think they are crazy. What a disgraceful thing to do to children. To teach them that they are able to protest is one thing but to have exposed them to your juvenile behaviour of honking an air horn night and day is beneath you. Teach your children to respect your fellow man/woman. You had your say; we listened. Go home please and thank you. Just a respectful goodby although you do not deserve one.

Go home, the restrictions are slowly moving away at our pace not yours. Stripping all the restrictions leaves us vulnerable to another sudden increase in cases; overloaded hospitals and full ICUs. People with other needs in the hospital can not obtain them when increases in virus happen and people died who might have lived with proper treatment. Grow up. Go home. You have destroyed people's lives for long enough.  

We are also tired of the restrictions. In grade school I could have told you that these restrictions will come off as they came on in a protective and careful way to cause the least amount of upward trend in cases. No one can predict the rate at which they can come off without consequence. We just take it day by day.

You were our heroes during the worst of the pandemic; you have destroyed our image although we know that 90% plus of truckers are still out there working hard and helping us to get through this pandemic. But you are spoiling it for your fellow workers which is just wrong. What right did you have to do that?

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