Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine's Day and Loving one's fellow citizens

It would be so very nice on this Valentine's Day if the "Freedom Convoy" would just leave Ottawa. They do not bring freedom only drudgery for the people who live within the smell of their diesel fuel burning and the blast of their air horns. One thinks again on what right do they have to impose this misery on thousands of people in the downtown Ottawa area. The injunction against their air horns was apparently broken on the weekend. They are very selfish. In the past peaceful protests were had in Ottawa and the people went home. Why can't they go home. They have not done anything peaceful; they have been the cause of very tough laws against doing exactly what they are doing. They are not respectful. What is the matter with them? We are all tired of COVID; gradually the restrictions are going no thanks to them as they have caused a 100% lockdown in the area that they are occupying. I like the French solution to a freedom convoy in Paris - tear gas. Go home, stop using your children as shields that is disgusting. 

Back to the Siderfin Book and I need to do some work on the Pincombe Newsletter today. I will do a rough table of contents and work away at that over the next couple of weeks. 

I have inserted the Ahnentafel Chart for the Siderfin family in a descendant order coming down from John Siderfin known to have lived at Luxborough in the 1500s and married to Christian (unknown). I used both James Sanders' Pedigree Chart and the records to produce the Ahnentafel Chart but that was in 2010. About that time I was contacted by a Siderfin cousin in England who wished to take on the one-name study for the Siderfin family at the Guild of one-name studies. Since he was so close to the records I willingly consented to his doing so but he has since dropped the study perhaps a few years ago not sure when. I did think about taking it up again but decided to just stay with my parent's surnames as they are quite a bit of work. However, this gives me the opportunity to update James Sanders' book and to publish the research that I did. I am sure in the years to come another will pick up the mantle and discover more. I do not see myself going to the Somerset Record Office to look at records there.  The book is now 136 pages with the Anhentafel Chart inserted. I do estimate it will be a couple of months of work before I publish it on my blog chapter by chapter. 

Other than that it is minus 22 degrees celsius today with a brilliant sun shinning and pretty much zero clouds. Not a nice day to be living in a truck with children for sure. Plus the heavy snows are to come in our area. We wait for the warmer winter days for our heaviest snowfalls and they will surely come. As surely as COVID will once again recede from our daily lives and we will be freer again in most of the country except for where the Truck Convoys have set up camp. Really I do not see a point to their demands. In a democracy one does not demand their own point of view - that is anarchy. We work in unison to give the best life to our country and her people. The occupiers should go home; get their children out of the cold and stop using them as shields. I think every country in the world uses tear gas except us but the ignorance of these people may make us do that as well. What a sinful people they are to hurt their fellow countrymen/women/children by this ridiculous occupation and force us, a peace-loving people, to enact laws and use methods that we prefer to think of as being in the past.

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