Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Why do people support the blockage by the truckers in Ottawa on social media?

 One wonders why anyone would support the blockage by the truckers in Ottawa of our downtown area on social media. If they like it so much invite them to your city to blockade your downtown area. Please stop supporting them. They are anarchists. They do not follow the rule of law which is what basically keeps our democracy strong and free. All of us are tired of COVID-19 but the way out is not a sudden turn about and getting rid of public health orders. Slow and steady wins the race because that protects our hospital system. We need to eliminate COVID as much as possible from our country then we can go back to normal gradually and carefully. Protect the elderly because we should (I suppose I am elderly but I am now triple vaccinated, wear a mask pretty much everywhere including having one at hand when I go out for a walk, and have managed to escape COVID) and the infirm because they are all ages and have a role to play in our society. The people who have blockaded our city do not have the right to choose who lives and who dies but by their being here and not leaving and breaking our city by-laws they are saying that very thing. That it is their choice to say who lives and who dies because people are still dying from COVID which they catch from people who are infected and likely unvaccinated and go about without masks. 

Go home; leave our city in peace. I think the first act of parliament should be an amendment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which would designate an area where people could protest. Lots of NCC land around Ottawa and I am sure that the news media would keep us informed of the protests online and on the television. The world has changed incredibly since PM Pierre E Trudeau brought home the Charter which as a Conservative I was very much against because it limited us. We would do much better living by precedents in the Westminster Parliamentary system I believe. But the Charter is here to stay but could certainly have amendments. It doesn't work to have trucks blocking up all the roads to Parliament especially as there are shops/stores losing their livelihood (didn't they say they came to free us!) and people's homes are there and the blasting of air horns night and day is a cruel way to tell people they are free. 

It is hard to believe that I have actually voted for the Liberals ever since PM Stephen Harper went after Library and Archives Canada. I am not sure that I can ever trust the Conservative Party again after that huge failure on their part. On the other hand I dislike the way that Liberals throw money at everything but I will vote for them anyway; it is better than having our institutions destroyed. 

I am a great believer in the oil industry - I just think that it is time to stop burning it in our cars. Oil has so many marvelous uses and they will only continue to grow and at a very greatly accelerated rate in the years to come. But we have to mine it with environmental needs in mind.

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