Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Wills sorted around

 This is day two of cleaning and I will finish once again. Then just day three for the basement and it is amazing how much work there is in a 1400 square foot house really but then being 76 may account for the three days that it takes me. 

I did manage to work through all the rest of the wills in my break time and there are seven wills left over that I did not do from the first group of wills downloaded at Kew in 2010. 

Sentence - William Blake - Middlesex - 1665 - all in latin

Benjamin Blake - Woodhay Hampshire - 1777

Johannes Blake (quite short, could not find it on the PCC website even as John Blake) and it is all in latin so will eventually work that one out

Richard Blake alias Hurrell - 1550 (Latin)

Robert Blake on the Ship Jonah - 1638

Thomas Blake - Stanford London diocese - 1487 (latin)

Thomas Blake - 1609 - Bath(?) (latin)

The interesting part is all the latin so probably explains why I did not do them back in 2011 when I did the rest. I tackle latin now in 2022 but in 2011 not so much. 

There is a lot of work to do on these earliest wills as the probate is not always done so will do that as I gradually create the *.pdf files for each county. Never a dull moment for sure. 

When PM Stephen Harper went after LAC back in 2013 I think it was, I did a letter writing campaign. I think it is more effective than protesting at Parliament Hill. All you do is irritate people when you go there with huge trucks (and you blast their air horns and leave them running 24/7). I am not sure that that method is appreciated or even particularly noticed these days.It certainly doesn't gain any support for their cause which makes absolutely no sense. The way out is a high vaccination rate and keeping people apart. We are finally getting out of that closed down state once again unless these people cause Ottawa's COVID 19 to sky rocket. And they wonder why they are not appreciated. We would all like the restrictions to end; please go home so they can. There that was so very polite now if they would just wear their masks so that the stores can open. They are destroying people's livelihoods.

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