Thursday, March 17, 2022

Are there no depths to Russian cruelty caused by Putin's stupidity

 Putin is the cause of the illegal  Ukrainian War that was started by Russia for reasons that make no sense at all but the Russian people are letting this happen. The Russian people must stop Putin.

Today an air raid shelter full of women and children was blasted to kingdom come. No news yet on survivors but there are apparently survivors but how many dead. Does the cruelty of the Russian people directed by Putin never end? How can they wake up in the morning and look in the mirror knowing they are murdering women, children and unborn babies. The world court has demanded that Russia stop? What will stop the Russians; at this point only their people. Their sons are dying in an unjust war that the world court has demanded an end to. Their sons who had so much hope for the future in a vibrant Russia which had been invited and encouraged to be part of the trading world. They lie dead on Ukrainian soil and the Ukrainian hospitals have been bombed so that they can not help them when they lie there wounded. The sons of Russia are dying; stop Putin stop murdering your own people in an unjust war.  Has Russia forgotten how they deal with tyrants who send their sons to die in foreign lands? Russians this is an illegal and unjust war against Ukraine. Their leader is one of the only survivors of his family from the haulocaust by the nazis in the Second World War. The leader of Ukraine is not a nazi. 

The vicious attacks are to kill all the people in the area where Russia wants to land their ships with more men to help in the war but they cannot land so long as the Ukrainians keep fighting. Why should the Ukrainians stop; it is after all their country; the country of their ancestors for thousands of years. Stop Russia stop. Do not let your sons die on foreign soil for an unjust war. 

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