Thursday, March 10, 2022

Continuing with cleaning and income tax

Another day of cleaning and income tax. I am starting to want to have the income tax done and submitted. I will get it prepared while I wait for that last slip of paper. 

Then back to the Siderfin book. It has been put aside for the moment. The Blake Newsletter gets a little priority because it has a deadline. Once the cleaning is accomplished I will get back to putting the Newsletter together. It is nice to have it ready ahead of time. Life was always too busy and I would be rushing into that at the end of the month. 

COVID-19 gone from the news these days. The words endemic haven't been spoken that I have heard yet but we must be getting there. Something to live with like measles for which there is a vaccine. I never had red measles so when a few cases started to emerge when I was 40 I went and had the vaccine. Why not? who in their right mind wants to have red measles if they can avoid it. Sometimes it seems like George Orwell's crazy world is coming to pass where people frame these ridiculous notions and see them as real. "Fake news" is perhaps the greatest danger we have in society these days. 

Life is too busy to have some of these ridiculous stunts that are being pulled these days - the Truck Convoy is one of those. Freedom is what we have in the four walls of our own room. As soon as we emerge into the world, that freedom is tempered by family obligations, country obligations and world obligations. Time to grow up and accept responsibility for life around you; get vaccinated and stop polluting everyone else's air. So glad that the Emergency Measures Act was created to deal with things like the encampment on Parliament Hill by the Truck Convoy.  

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in these modern times is like turning the clock back nearly one hundred years. Russians are fleeing their own country because they do not want to live in a country that does that to their neighbours/their cousins/their friends. Russia will lose so much from all of this and have no gains. The Ukrainians have lost so much and now a maternity hospital bombed. History will condemn Russia.

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