Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Prayers for Ukraine

Prayers for Ukraine daily as we watch in horror at the death and pain that is being inflicted on the people of Ukraine by the people of Russia. There is little more that can be said than God be with you the people of Ukraine. 

The Conservatives are preparing a bill to do away with GST at the pump and I personally think it is a ridiculous idea. When we need money to buy planes and ships this is not the time to take away money for government purchases. I would really like it if the Conservative Party would make it a priority to get the planes and the ships; they promised with their last government under Stephen Harper and that did not happen. They had to balance the budget they said; well the time has come when our need for better equipment for our military is a prime need and you can balance the budget by taking away the monetary support given by Canadians  for political parties. I am tired of the whining. Get things done if you want my vote in the future. I have a lot of reasons for being a Conservative but none of them are being met by the current party. Instead I have to watch as the Liberals throw money at it hoping it sticks which I have always found appalling and dithering about when military equipment should be being purchased. 

The partial coalition of the Liberal-NDP is perhaps not my preferred form of government but it is better than what we got from Stephen Harper's Conservative government and the present Conservative party is too busy attacking Trudeau to get things done. He is just a Prime Minister; they come and go. I never voted for his father and quite surprised myself when I voted for the Liberal government now two times. We are not a dictatorship; he is just one person representing the Liberal party. Stop with the attack ads. We are not Americans. Canadians I do not think like attack ads and probably that along with the failures of the Conservative Government in 2015 cost you the election and ever since then. 

Back to work. The Blake newsletter is slowly coming to fruition. I am now working on the yDNA haplogroups for the new design. Given that the size of the project is so very small; this method will give a different sort of picture and who ever replaces me one day will likely modify it but for the moment I am going with this style of presentation. At 76, my days in such projects are probably numbered but I have set myself a goal of 80 years and then doing it year by year. 

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