Monday, March 7, 2022

Still on the subject of free-will

Although mankind/womankind has often lived in a life where their free-will was rather limited, they always moved towards free-will in their lives.  Sometimes it was very subtle and sometimes blatant but free-will was always exhibited by them in their own way. People do best where there is free-will; to try to eliminate free-will in favour of communal will only works for specific projects. There is an essence to homo sapiens that creates a desire to be able to have free-will in their lives however expressed. To hinder that is to create a dark age and we have had dark ages in our past; sometimes very extensive sometimes limited to one country or even place. Nothing new happens in that time frame until free-will is introduced once again whether in the minds of the individual or in the community or in the country. Then an explosion of newness takes place but it is far more enhanced if that free-will isn't controlled; we do our greatest thinking when the mind is free. That is why rule of law is so important in actual fact. The mind needs to be tempered by the reality that others do live on this planet.

That being said I must get back to the Siderfin Book and working on the Blake Newsletter. I have done some thinking about the useage of y-groups in a surname study and I am rather convinced that one does need to look at it from an evolutionary viewpoint back to the earliest common founding subclades. 

For instance my Blake line 8,000 to 12,000 years before present was nicknamed the "Deer Hunters" by Ethnoancestry. They were individualists who saw animals moving on their migration treks and followed them because that was their food supply - they were hunter gathers with the men hunting and the women gathering from the surrounding area presumably to provide their daily diet. The particular haplogroup subclade was I-L161.1 tested my brother at 23 and Me. Further y testing at FT DNA revealed I-PH151. Going to the yDNA Study for Blake under this section A which has I-L161 as the subclade there are just two members both from Hampshire and my brother is N43038. S185 is the subclade which denotes the "Deer Hunters" and named by Ethnoancestry.  The divergence between these two testers was at S2742 with my line testing derived for A1514 and the other sample testing ancestral. Interestingly both have the same surname and I note that in other groups there are also members who diverge at this point. So I do place these two kits in the same subgroup. In the British Isles by county project there is one member with a surname and date 1379 (my line appears to go back to a Robert Blake who left his will in 1521) who also belongs to I-P37 a considerable distance back from S2742 but it would be interesting if this person tested SNPs one day. This particular group though has come very early to the British Isles and it is likely that individuals stopped at a point they liked and stayed on with their family grouping. My line was located at Andover, Hampshire, England but I would be suspicious that they were further over towards the Salisbury Plain but perhaps wintered in the more protected area around Andover. I think that looking at DNA will likely only get more exciting as more and more digs are created in these areas that were known to be frequented by early migrants to particular areas.  

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