Friday, March 25, 2022

Still working on Income Tax

Probably will not be able to file my Income Tax until closer to the end of April. I have been very nervous of the Income Tax to be honest. Everything seems to be in place but I am missing a form (or possibly two) from the Bank thus far. We have had three different Financial Advisers in the past four years but I have kept all the paper work. Time will tell but it has always been one of my fears that filing a return for a deceased person would be a challenge.  My Financial Adviser is working on the forms so will wait to see what comes of that. I am busy searching out the websites to see what I can learn. I was so shattered at the time of Edward's death although did manage to get everything done that needed to be done. I did go into the bank to get that done. I think it was one of the hardest things I have ever done; taking Edward's will into the bank. It just seemed so unreal to me still but I knew I had to do that to manage everything. There was a loan on the car that I needed to pay off since it was in his name and got that done right away. The Financial Adviser we had at the beginning said it just naturally flowed to one or the other of us depending on who died first. At the time it seemed strange to talk about that but did appreciate the Financial Adviser telling us all those details.

Working on the Blake Newsletter and will try to finish it today. I think my cataracts grow when the sun change comes in March as every year for the last few years I especially find that my vision is a strained this time of year and tend not to put in too much time on the computer. Both of my parents were in their 80s when they had their cataracts operated on. I am not a sun worshiper so my eyes have not suffered from too much sun but I have a feeling that may be coming upon me one of these days although I am just 76 (my parents were in their early 80s) and one of my siblings in her late 70s. The eyes are always a limiting factor for me working on anything.

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