Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Taking a break from blogging

Prayers for Ukraine as always. 

Working on the Siderfin book and good accomplishment yesterday. I am into footnoting the information in the Third Generation chapter but the chapter itself is I believe completed in its content unless I find more information on Robert Siderfin or his sister Jone (Siderfin) Westeron. 

Polar vortex still with us but spring is trying to come. The snow, when it is in a sunny spot is going down. One of these days green grass and the birds will be just as happy as we will be. 

I am content as always to see defense spending at the head of the budget but would like to see Canadian firms be given priority. I do not believe that with something this important that the lowest bidder should be the natural winner of any competition. We need good equipment and available in a timely fashion. If it is built in Canada by Canadians then we know that it is tested in all Canadian weather situations. No favoritism; get the job done.

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