Monday, March 14, 2022

The martyrdom of the pregnant woman

I awoke to hear that the pregnant woman on the stretcher following the bombing of Mariupol  had died and her infant with her. Yesterday I usually would have watched Church on YouTube but I didn't. I had read the article that the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church felt that the invasion was legitimate against a people that accepted homosexuality. A woman and her baby are the victim of this horrific unfair war against a country that has been free. Many are victims but especially a woman about to give birth and her child - the martyrs of the Ukraine. How can Russia keep bombing a defenseless country? Their own flesh and blood; they are linked by history. How cruel. How cruel of the Russian Orthodox Church to support them. I love my Church but the Church has been cruel in the past and it continues with the Russian Orthodox Church. This sinful act by Russia must stop; protect the innocents; the unborn children. 

God does not interfere in the fate of man. He sent Jesus to teach us how to live. This is not the way that Jesus said to live. 

I will listen to the YouTube service today.

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