Thursday, March 24, 2022

The R-M269 group in the Blake study

By far the R-M269  group in the Blake yDNA study is the largest. I find it difficult to work with as most of my yDNA work has been in the I haplogroup where my own Blake line is located. But then the R group is larger worldwide so not unexpected. Particularly R group is very large in Europe/British Isles and European/British Isles descendants although they have carried it around the world. 

I will continue working on this group today and have subdivided the group into four distinct groups - Galway Blake family (the work on this particular group has been done by one of its members, descendants of Sir Thomas Blake and he was also from Ireland, a British Isles group and a group with German ancestry. 

That leaves just a few small groups like E, T and a singleton result from a particular Irish Clan that I have not yet decided where to put him as he belongs to R-M269 as well. We will see what I can learn as I move through this section. E is thought to be descendant of the Roman Invasions of the British Isles. 

There are still two results in Unknown although they will go into the R-M269 groups and that has to be determined as well. It is a while since I have worked on the display of the yDNA groups. 

I continue not doing anything with the Family Finder or the mtDNA groups. Studying the mtDNA groups is problematic from a surname point of view as until the present times women took on their husband's surname and their name was lost unless recorded as it has been the last one hundred to two hundred years and sometimes longer with the baptismal record. 

Prayers continuing for Ukraine. It reminds me of Hungary when they tried to throw off the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Many of the people who fled from Hungary when the overthrow failed came to Canada and I remember at least one in my year at school. Very different though as Ukraine is an independent country which Russia would like to swallow up at least partially. It is such a cruel war - children are dying, people are starving in Mariupol because it is in the way of a desired land route to the Crimea. Why are there still wars; wars should be in the past. Children dying on a battlefield is a dreadful thing. 

Russian leaders are trying to turn this on us and attaching blame. The blame is all on them; they invaded Ukraine because they want some of their land. Human greed will only bring us to Armageddon. Is that what they desire? A world blasted apart by nuclear weapons isn't any good to anyone. The mutation rate in DNA will be horrendous in whatever survives if the world does actually stay in one piece. The ability to feed whomever is left will be problematic; food can not be stored long enough to provide. And what awaits those who might emerge; a scarred landscape full of wild animals that might have survived and are also hungry.  The world would go back to the Stone Age if it actually survived. Mankind has survived to this point because he kept his wits about him. He knew when to back off and when to proceed. Russia needs to leave Ukraine; no one is winning there. The landscape is scarred; children are being killed on battlefields and Russia's sons are dying on foreign battlefields. O rise up Mother Russia and protect yourself from Putin and his enablers.

The Taliban has slipped into all of this chaos a reneging of their promise to let girls go to school. They are now limited to Grade 6. What does one know in Grade 6? Another cruel event unfolding once again as the desire to learn is strong in homo sapiens. It is why we have advanced so far in these thousands of years. Education makes us better mothers.

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